maintain balance

Maintain Balance

If you talk to someone who’s busy in motherhood, they sometimes will refer to it as a balancing act. I’m here to share that this weight will be more manageable, and more easily carried, if you were balanced.
bedtime routines

Bedtime Routines

A routine is valuable for any child, but when it comes to a bedtime routine, it really should be a non-negotiable. Trust me, it’s the end of the day, you’ve…
transitions graphic


We’ve all been there when our kid is having a blast. There are no behavior concerns. It’s been an amazing day. We are not celebrating though; we are bracing ourselves.…
in my control blog

In my control

I confess, I am the ultimate back-seat driver. For me, it’s the lack of control. I can’t stop the car. I do not have the ability to go a different…
getting attention post

Getting Attention

“They are just doing that for attention.” Have you heard that before? It’s true, people do things for attention. Kids are not the exception. You’ll often see kids acting in…
motherhood myths and lies we believe

Motherhood Myths

I recently read an article debunking some common modern-day myths. Some of these gave me a good laugh. These are things that are actually NOT true.  Houseflies only live 24…